During my lockdown experience at home in Banbury, I’ve been thinking about how my hobby of film photography has been theraputic as well as motivating for the long strange wait we’ve all had to experience. For a long time I’ve been a slow photographer. That is, my approach to taking photos on film is very […]
Photo Chat Vlog – Pentax Espio and Olympus Accura
It would seem the last few videos on Photo Chat Vlog that have been a bit more philosophical have not been quite so popular, so let’s see if we can get some of our mojo back with some hard talk about pure camera facts. A couple of years ago I did an A and B […]
Slow photography
I was reading up recently about slow food, and how it’s an alternative to fast food. As Wikipedia says “At its heart is the aim to promote local foods and traditional gastronomy and food production. Conversely this means an opposition to fast food, industrial food production and globalisation“. I recently reflected on my most popular […]
More photography exposure
It’s been an interesting week for my hobby of photography. First of all I got featured on “Explore” on Flickr, which is a very popular page on their site. This was the image… …and it is a cyanotype of a cassette. The cyanotype process is an early form of light sensitive paper that you can […]