So, the Konstanzegraff tracks are out there to the world on Under My Bed Recordings as the fifth and final part of their Cinque Pezzi Facili series. Many thanks to Stefano for putting this out. Here’s a video for the first track, Billy.
Year: 2012
Konstanzegraff is a project by Oxford musician James Davies (Spunkle, Small Machine, Vehicle Derek) investigating long-form, minimal electronica. Starting at the beginning of 2009, the gestation of the five tracks reflects their sonic landscape; lengthy, slow-burning and without climax. Konstanzegraff’s style of minimalism owes a debt to the limitless purism of northern Europe but looks […]
Spunkle on Facebook
Note, Spunkle now has a Facebook page, where there are a great deal more photos and bits and pieces.
Japanese page about “Music for DXing”
I came across this page recently which is a Japanese page about “Music for DXing”. What’s interesting is that this page has uncovered one of the two secret messages on the LP… 🙂 If this is no longer online, download a copy here. If you can’t read Japanese, here’s a translated version.
The Prepared Vinyl Project
Back in 1999, I released a record that you couldn’t play. What follows is taken from the press sheet. Imagine 7″ vinyl and art combined. A record made without instruments, tape recorders, computers or sound, made without going into a recording studio, made without a conception of how it will be heard until it is […]
New video from “Music For DXing”
Music For DXing is still available via First Fold Records. As is the new edition of Premier Pli, which features an essay and illustration by me called “Examining The Structure Of Nostalgia”. There’s also a CD with a new track by me too.
Same place, different cameras
Six years ago I worked at a pretty uninspiring industrial estate in Bicester. Yet, it obviously wasn’t that uninspiring, since I just realised that I took all these photos… Interesting how the same place is rendered very differently by different cameras and film. From the top we have a modified medium format box camera (I […]
Blank on Blank
Interesting article here from that uses one of my photos to illustrate a service for retrieving old content from cassettes. I was pondering earlier some of the video content I have on Hi-8 that ought to get digitised soon; the digital format is less relevant to me than the availability of reliable hardware to […]
The final transmission from Radio Canada International on 15235khz
Recorded last night by me in the Thames Valley. This radio is in the kitchen so there are some noises of me doing chores in the background! Note how the plug appears to be pulled just as the announcer is saying how things are changing.
Photos Veebotique!
Came across this site after a few Google searches…
After 2001
The following text accompanied my artwork which was part of the show “Oh Brother, Where’s Thou Art?” at the Ultimate Picture Palace, Oxford, taking place between the 12th and 20th of May 2012. “After 2001” has been produced for The 2012 Artweeks Exhibition “Oh Brother, Where’s Thou Art?” at the Ultimate Picture Palace in East […]
I’m taking part in Oxford’s Artweeks festival this year in a group show called “Oh Brother Where’s Thou Art?”. Since we’re showing at The Ultimate Picture Palace in East Oxford we’re going under the name of The Ultimate Picture Palace Artists and some of us are doing work inspired by film and cinema. All the […]
Shortwave And The Art Of Music Interview
Earlier this week I took up an opportunity to talk to The SWLing Post about “Music For DXing“. Read the full article here. Many thanks to Thomas for including me on his site!
Two Italian Photographic Blogs…
…(here is one and here is another) appear to have written about the Bi-Cam concept and used my photo from Flickr. If you haven’t seen a Bi-Cam before, it has a lens at the front and a pinhole on the back. Here’s mine. and this is the type of photo it can take Interesting to […]
Spunkle roundup…
Some stuff unearthed online… The original demo tape review from July 1997. The original Shifty Disco singles club CD review from August 1997. A review of the 0-60 Boxed Set which mentions Spunkle. Facebook!