Should you wish to wish your beloved a Happy Valentine’s Day, or indeed just send them something to express the loveliness of love, you can use this picture. Just link back here or tag me @jsnowdendavies if you put it on Instagram or something so I know if anyone has actually used it (you may […]
Merry Xmas 2022!
Geseende kersfees! Καλά Χριστούγεννα! Joyeux Noël! God jul! क्रिसमस की शुभकामनाएं! Merry Xmas! ¡Feliz Navidad! С Рождеством! Wesołych Świąt! Feliz Natal! 圣诞快乐! Күңелле Xmas! Mutlu Noeller! میری کرسمس! ਮੈਰੀ ਕ੍ਰਿਸਮਸ! ‘Tis the season and all that! I hope you are having a nice time, and if you need an animated GIF for the season, here […]
Self portrait, 1994
Found whilst looking for something else.
Lomography Purple
There was some chat on Facebook the other evening about Lomography Purple film and why it is rated between 100 – 400 ASA rather than being fixed (it has no DX code for example). The way I always see it is the chemists in the labs of the film companies work hard and are usually […]
The Fuji TW-3 – Light Leaks And Looking At Photos!
Because my last video on the Fuji TW-3 was quite popular, I made another video to show you a bit more about the camera, including how to load a film into it and how to protect it from light-leaks too. I chose one of my films from my fantastic stash of 24 exposure films. I […]
Happy Birthday, I Love You
Here are two animated GIFs which are free for you to use. I made the Happy Birthday one last week, after I printed up a bunch of birthday cards ready for the year. Because each one came out slightly different, they make for an interesting animation when scanned and joined together. I can tell you […]
An Old Poem
Made for my magazine, “Veeb” sometime in 1994.
Caldecott Lake
Milton Keynes, 21st October 2018, Ricoh R1 using expired Kodak BW400CN film. Why post a picture like this? Big light leak on the right, processing mess, blur, lack of detail. But…I do think there is something that all that noise is giving back to the image. It was a very bright autumn day, where it […]
Random things from my life today
Mug amnesty Autocorrect
Let the Clay Lead the Way – Part Three
After last week’s post I had evidence of what the garden clay slips looked like once they had been bisque fired, so I spent some time between classes decorating a selection of clay buttons with combinations of the different slips. I started making buttons in the classes earlier in the year after I had a […]
Let the Clay Lead the Way – Part Two
So, with classes starting again this autumn, the ceramics research continues. As you will have seen if you read my first post about ceramics, there was clay under the ground where I grew up in Lincolnshire. Well, there was also clay under the ground where my parents lived in Oxford, and there is clay under […]
Let the Clay Lead the Way – Part One
I’ve been studying ceramics for the last two years at evening classes at my local art school. It’s a really fun, social activity and I have made some nice friends doing it (as well as a lot of wonky pots). However, my interest in ceramics goes back a long, long way. I grew up in […]
Slow photography
I was reading up recently about slow food, and how it’s an alternative to fast food. As Wikipedia says “At its heart is the aim to promote local foods and traditional gastronomy and food production. Conversely this means an opposition to fast food, industrial food production and globalisation“. I recently reflected on my most popular […]
Photo Chat Vlog Season 1 Episode 10 – Konica C35, San Francisco and why I #believeinfilm
So the camera I talk about in this photo chat vlog is the Konica c35, and as you can see from this picture it’s a small rangefinder type camera which means you’ve got manual focusing but you’ve also got automatic shutter and exposure. I’m really fond of this camera. Mine cost me four pounds from […]