I made this video recently going through some of the clean sounds that the Boss MG-10 amplifier can make. I’m playing through my original one that I got in ’89 and I’m also using a Steinberger Spirit guitar which I got in about 2001. I’m not using any effects between the guitar and the amp […]
The Zen Of Listening
I wrote an article back in 2003 about listening to the radio which was posted on a long-gone radio-related email list. Since I found it recently, I’ve published it on here, but back in its proper place date-wise. I’m daft like that.
Jimbo Guitar – Some Boss MG-10 facts
Update! New videos out now of Boss MG-10 sounds, both clean and dirty! Scroll down for more! From what I can tell, I get a fair few hits on this site from people wanting to know more about the Boss MG-10 amplifier, and since I have had one since they came out in 1989 (and […]
Cassette Minaret
It’s raining and I have the day off work. I am trying to make sense of this lot. I always knew I “kept all my tapes” but it has been a long time since I have dealt with them and making sense of all of these cassettes is quite something. There is the content for […]
Photo Chat Vlog, checking in, Konica Big Mini, double exposures and expired film
I wanted to check in and do a little update on some of my photography activity, because we’re getting over halfway through the year now and though you haven’t seen much here, lots has been going on. I’ve been shooting quite a lot of film, and I started off the year digging out an old […]
Review of 2018
Film-wise that is. It seems I shot the following films this year Agfa Vista “Poundland” x3 CVS colour film Lomography Purple x2 Ferrania P80 Konica VX400bw x2 Konica VX200 Truprint 110 Kodak Portra 160 Kodak BW400CN x2 Ilford XP2 Kodak Ektar 100 In the following cameras Olympus MjuII Canon Epoca Ricoh R1 Olympus OM10 Canon […]
Diana Day
The 4th of August 2018 was #DianaDay, a hashtag driven day of photography coming out of social media. I got into the idea of #DianaDay through my friend Denise, who I only know electronically. She lives in the USA and I live here in England, but we’ve formed a unique friendship online based on our […]
Bretagne 5, 1593 kHz
I’ve always been a radio nerd since I was a kid, tuning around on my Binatone radio cassette player, and it’s a considerable pleasure of my new car that it’s complicated entertainment system still has Medium and Long Wave radio (AM in other parts of the world). Whilst many of the continental stations on these […]
Photo Chat Vlog Season 1 Episode 10 – Konica C35, San Francisco and why I #believeinfilm
So the camera I talk about in this photo chat vlog is the Konica c35, and as you can see from this picture it’s a small rangefinder type camera which means you’ve got manual focusing but you’ve also got automatic shutter and exposure. I’m really fond of this camera. Mine cost me four pounds from […]
Photo Chat Vlog
Although people sometimes say something like “a picture paints a thousand words”, I decided to record the stories and background behind some of my photos to create a sort of vlog. Anyway, it has its own YouTube channel and if you want to hear me rambling on about things you can now do this in […]
Instagram, yes Instagram
I’ve had a private Instagram account for a while for family stuff, but set one up for my film photography last year, only to find that getting the pictures up there was almost impossible without a dedicated phone, and switching accounts was a massive faff. However, thanks to some other technical jiggery-pokery I can now manage […]
I have an odd relationship with photographic technique. I don’t eschew it but it doesn’t reign me in. Some years ago I used to work with an ex-physics teacher who saw the camera as a piece of precision equipment, and he would only take photos accordingly. Now he took some great photos, but he could see […]
The Marvel of Media Network
For several years now I’ve been enjoying having access to the archive of vintage editions of the Media Network programme, as broadcast on short-wave by Radio Netherlands in the period 1981-2000. I was a short wave listener in the 1980’s but must confess that I was never a regular listener to any one station. I […]
Flickr: finding images not in groups
Flickr has been one of my most-visited websites for nearly the last ten years, and rarely a day goes by if I am near the internet that I don’t check it out. I love the ability to share my photos with the world and to also see the work of others. Things have changed a […]
Thoughts on Tumblr and Flickr
See here for my attempts at using Tumblr. I’ve never fully understood it and still don’t after having had one for the past 3 years, but I’ve noticed that some of my Flickr photos have appeared on there and I’ve been experimenting with posting to it (particularly since it’s a 2-click process from Flickr and […]