During my lockdown experience at home in Banbury, I’ve been thinking about how my hobby of film photography has been theraputic as well as motivating for the long strange wait we’ve all had to experience. For a long time I’ve been a slow photographer. That is, my approach to taking photos on film is very […]
Photo Chat Vlog
Action Straße
I was looking through my pictures the other day, updating my Flickr and Instagram and I had a thought, that I thought was interesting. So if you’re a follower of me you will know that because I take a lot of photographs using film, the time it takes to process films and then sort through […]
Photo Chat Vlog, checking in, Konica Big Mini, double exposures and expired film
I wanted to check in and do a little update on some of my photography activity, because we’re getting over halfway through the year now and though you haven’t seen much here, lots has been going on. I’ve been shooting quite a lot of film, and I started off the year digging out an old […]
Photo Chat Vlog – Feeling Tones
What follows is really some very random thoughts that are an extension to series 3 episode 4 of Photo Chat Vlog. I said in that episode that I didn’t have a favorite picture of the three that I discussed, but on reflection I only realized long after I had finished the recording and put the […]
Photo Chat Vlog – Travelling Camera Project
Hear the exciting story of the Facebook Colour Film Photography Group Travelling Camera, which I was part of recently! Even see footage of me taking a photo! Wow!
Slow photography
I was reading up recently about slow food, and how it’s an alternative to fast food. As Wikipedia says “At its heart is the aim to promote local foods and traditional gastronomy and food production. Conversely this means an opposition to fast food, industrial food production and globalisation“. I recently reflected on my most popular […]
Photo Chat Vlog Season 1 Episode 10 – Konica C35, San Francisco and why I #believeinfilm
So the camera I talk about in this photo chat vlog is the Konica c35, and as you can see from this picture it’s a small rangefinder type camera which means you’ve got manual focusing but you’ve also got automatic shutter and exposure. I’m really fond of this camera. Mine cost me four pounds from […]
Photo Chat Vlog
Although people sometimes say something like “a picture paints a thousand words”, I decided to record the stories and background behind some of my photos to create a sort of vlog. Anyway, it has its own YouTube channel and if you want to hear me rambling on about things you can now do this in […]