Geseende kersfees! Καλά Χριστούγεννα! Joyeux Noël! God jul! क्रिसमस की शुभकामनाएं! Merry Xmas! ¡Feliz Navidad! С Рождеством! Wesołych Świąt! Feliz Natal! 圣诞快乐! Күңелле Xmas! Mutlu Noeller! میری کرسمس! ਮੈਰੀ ਕ੍ਰਿਸਮਸ! ‘Tis the season and all that! I hope you are having a nice time, and if you need an animated GIF for the season, here […]
Notable notes
Self portrait, 1994
Found whilst looking for something else.
The Zen Of Listening
I wrote an article back in 2003 about listening to the radio which was posted on a long-gone radio-related email list. Since I found it recently, I’ve published it on here, but back in its proper place date-wise. I’m daft like that.
The Cardigan
My friend sent me this video of Imogen Heap demonstrating her musical gloves This is a good video and definitely worth watching all the way through. However, I remember Marillion doing something similar many years earlier, and so I looked that up on YouTube and sent that clip back to him for discussion. My mate […]
Random things from my life today
Mug amnesty Autocorrect
Wine Gummies No More
At 10p per roll, Swizzels Wine Gummies were a favourite of mine. Reminiscent of corner shop sweeties of yore, they were an almost-guilt-free lunchtime treat and just the thing to brighten a bleak mid-day hour out of the office. Earlier in the year I noticed they were missing from my regular near-work-supermarket, and figured it […]
Quoting Bono
Artists chase the zeitgeist like dogs chase cars… often we don’t really want to catch up to the speeding wheels, we just want to bark at them.