At 10p per roll, Swizzels Wine Gummies were a favourite of mine.
Reminiscent of corner shop sweeties of yore, they were an almost-guilt-free lunchtime treat and just the thing to brighten a bleak mid-day hour out of the office.
Earlier in the year I noticed they were missing from my regular near-work-supermarket, and figured it was just a stock issue.
I trudged to other branches, but soon it was clear they were not being stocked anywhere locally, not even in my hometown branch.
I tweeted to Swizzels and hoped for a message about shortages of food colourings. I was not prepared for the sad news that followed in their reply;
Hi, thank you for your message. Unfortunately we no longer produce Wine Gummies. Swizzels
— Swizzels (@SwizzelsMatlow) April 3, 2019
I asked why, but there was no reply. There are midget gems, there are fruit jellies. But there is nothing else like Wine Gummies and I miss them!