I wrote an article back in 2003 about listening to the radio which was posted on a long-gone radio-related email list. Since I found it recently, I’ve published it on here, but back in its proper place date-wise. I’m daft like that.
Jilfm, 531 kHz
Hello 2019. In the dark, on a Saturday night driving back from the cinema which is 17 miles away, when 1531 kHz is playing Take That, tune to 531 kHz medium wave (that would be AM, or ondes moyennnes). Their house music mix touches on ’89/’90 and sounds boomy and bassy heading home, bringing back […]
Bretagne 5, 1593 kHz
I’ve always been a radio nerd since I was a kid, tuning around on my Binatone radio cassette player, and it’s a considerable pleasure of my new car that it’s complicated entertainment system still has Medium and Long Wave radio (AM in other parts of the world). Whilst many of the continental stations on these […]
Nine questions about Music For DXing
An interview by John Zap, 24th January 2011 What is DXing? – Well, let’s go straight to Wikipedia for that one! “DXing is the hobby of tuning in and identifying distant radio or television signals”. It’s a hobby I’ve done since I was very young, like 10 years old. I got a radio-cassette recorder for […]
The Zen Of Listening
If you are curious about radio that is “off the beaten track” then your success or enjoyment or fulfilment in the hobby will be greater if you understand at least some of the influences that affect your reception. A frequent topic of discussion on the mailing lists dedicated to radio listening is the newcomer’s concern […]