No one reads much at this end of the blog these days (not even me). So I can quite safely warble on about being all old and nostalgic about years long gone. Listening to Jellyfish and thinking about the strange, strange year that was 1993 (for me). Pondering 1988, seemingly a “nothing year” for me […]
Being Positive About Something That Was Negative
I have written in a lot of diaries over the years. Sometimes they hardly even define a point in my life as anything in particular. Sometimes I will look up a bit of my life I have strong memories of, and be disappointed that I didn’t write much down at the time that tallies with […]
Bicycle Car Nostalgia
Whilst walking in a place I used to live yesterday I spotted a Citroën Xantia peeking out of a garage and was astonished to see it later on when I checked Google Maps Street View in both 2008 and 2012. That sparked a memory of Sunday bike rides around my neighbourhood as a little boy […]
The Night We Met I Knew I Needed You So
The death of Ronnie Spector this week reminded me of one of my earliest memories of “musical significance”. I grew up in the town where my mum’s family were from, and my dad’s family lived much further away in the north. My brother and my mum and dad and me would go to see them […]
Photo Chat Vlog – Slow Photography Revisited For Lockdown
During my lockdown experience at home in Banbury, I’ve been thinking about how my hobby of film photography has been theraputic as well as motivating for the long strange wait we’ve all had to experience. For a long time I’ve been a slow photographer. That is, my approach to taking photos on film is very […]
An Old Poem
Made for my magazine, “Veeb” sometime in 1994.
A Strange Collection Of Nostalgia…
…Which probably won’t mean anything to anyone else in this particular clustering. The Ladybird books factory Crazy by Icehouse Auf Wiedersehen Pet Walking home down Robin Hood’s Walk A Walk In The Black Forest Wytham Woods in autumn ’95 Cherry boiled sweets As I put this post together it seemed silly to just list these […]
Cassette Minaret
It’s raining and I have the day off work. I am trying to make sense of this lot. I always knew I “kept all my tapes” but it has been a long time since I have dealt with them and making sense of all of these cassettes is quite something. There is the content for […]
Photo Chat Vlog – Feeling Tones
What follows is really some very random thoughts that are an extension to series 3 episode 4 of Photo Chat Vlog. I said in that episode that I didn’t have a favorite picture of the three that I discussed, but on reflection I only realized long after I had finished the recording and put the […]
Photo Chat Vlog – Different Ways Of Seeing
For a while now I’ve been making videos for a channel called Photo Chat Vlog on YouTube. You will have seen posts about these here on the blog if you are a regular visitor, and since the videos are mostly scripted, I thought I’d experiment with adapting the script so that it can be read […]