Interesting article here from that uses one of my photos to illustrate a service for retrieving old content from cassettes. I was pondering earlier some of the video content I have on Hi-8 that ought to get digitised soon; the digital format is less relevant to me than the availability of reliable hardware to […]
Coffee Time!
The sheer brilliance of Google Analytics reveals that no one has actually played this video via this embedded player. Yet.
A DTD for Life Redux
Around 5 years ago I began working intensively with XML and XSLT at the company I was then working for. My main task was to write XSLT stylesheets to turn book and journal XML into online products so that anyone in the world could access them via the internet (providing they had a subscription for […]
I wonder what would happen if…
…you developed colour film in black and white chemicals? Well, you get a negative of sorts. Having just shot a whole roll of 200 ASA film in a camera set to 400 ASA, I got a bit concerned about sending it off to a lab who were not going to realise what I'd done and […]
The Zen Of Listening
If you are curious about radio that is “off the beaten track” then your success or enjoyment or fulfilment in the hobby will be greater if you understand at least some of the influences that affect your reception. A frequent topic of discussion on the mailing lists dedicated to radio listening is the newcomer’s concern […]