Go boy, go

All the while the melancholy tick-tock of summer
Saying “Go boy, go”
Get done what’s got to be done
Kiss who’s got to be kissed
Looking out over sunsets,
Elsfield hills, Eynsham Road, Cumnor Hill,
Tattershall Road, Rawson’s Lane, Chapel Hill, Hedgehog Bridge
Looking out over empty fields
Hot and tired from cycling, but raging full on for the spirit
The groove, the garden wall
Oh god, how do i get this down ?
Drinking in the heady, open, potential of the countryside
It’s earthiness, kissing warm neck from behind
With arms around waist, mouthing hair out of the way
Going out into the middle of nowhere with secret lover to indulge
Knowing you’d got to the right place when it got quiet, cold and fragrant
Wow, me and Vicki at the bottom of Beetle’s garden on a May night, gosh, gosh, GOSH…
Pinky, amber, flowery scent, too much

(from October 15th 1999)

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