Konstanzegraff on Buffet!

I made my way to Bradford last month to be interviewed for the excellent Buffet radio show on BCB. I took along the Cinque Pezzi Facili EP and we played “Billy” by Konstanzegraff and “She Brings The Moths in Flame” from Empty Vessel Music. Plus I got to choose a track to play and it was “Cartoon Graveyard” by It Bites 🙂

Thanks to Maria for letting me on her show and granting me the status of “honorary fanny”! It was broadcast on December the 27th on 106.6 FM in the Bradford area but thanks to the internet and BCB’s listen again feature you can download it here for the next month!

BCB and Buffet got a great write up last year on the excellent DX International blog, who have also been very complimentary about Music For DXing in the past. The life of an independent experimental music artist can be lonely at times out in the big, wide internet, but each bit of discussion helps, so praise be for blogging, broadcasting and bytes.

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